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  • 《速度与激情7》独家特辑 三段经典戏份一次看到 学费:0元 学时: 人气:已有95人想学

    故事发生在多米尼克(范迪塞尔 Vin Diesel 饰)和布莱恩(保罗沃克 Paul Walker 饰)重获自由一年多后,他们摆脱暗无天日的亡命生活,却发现这个家脱离现实。多米尼克忙着和莱蒂(米歇尔罗德里格兹 Michelle Rodriguez 饰)重新培养感情,布莱恩则努力跟米娅(乔丹娜布鲁斯特 Jordana Brewster 饰)和儿子适应郊区生活,泰吉(卢达克里斯 Ludacris 饰)和罗曼(泰瑞斯吉布森 Tyrese Gibson 饰)倒是实现花花公子的梦想,大肆庆祝得来不易的自由。 可怕的...

  • 速度与激情6 (2013) 电影 学费:0元 学时: 人气:已有111人想学


  • The Importance of Speaking Practice 学费:0元 学时: 人气:已有198人想学

    The Importance of Speaking Practice There are 4 key skills when you learn a language: listening speaking reading writing Which one of these is the Odd-One-Out? Which one of these is different from the other three? The answer is speaking . The other three ...

  • What Is Speaking? 学费:0元 学时: 人气:已有87人想学

    What Is Speaking? Speaking isthe delivery of language through the mouth.To speak, we create sounds using many parts of our body, including the lungs, vocal tract, vocal chords, tongue, teeth and lips. Speaking is the second of the four language skills , w...